Friday, October 12, 2007

Evil Lady Hand...

Okay, so I know it is slightly troubling that my four year old has a concept on evil but if you will...look past that and see the art here. She drew this and told me she named it 'Evil Lady Hand'. I was so impressed because it truly is an evil lady hand. I think she may have a talent here! Mona, I know you will back me on this. Don't be to alarmed though, becasue she is drawing babies as we speak. She is still innocent and sweet and precious.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing. You tell Zoe I said that. You should see if she wants to pray for Evil Lady Hand. Your daughter totally has talent when it comes to drawing and painting. She can already see things beyond her years. I wonder if this drawing was somehow based on a real person that she encountered....
I miss you guys so much.

Lacy Lillian said...

: )